56 Foods That Start With R

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foods that start with r
There are many foods that start with R if that's what you've been looking for - and we got to know about 56 of them until now.

This article is about foods that start with R.

If you’ve had trouble knowing foods that start with R, even though there are many, we did the research – worry not, the list below will have all the foods that start with R.

Also, before getting started, it is to keep in mind that the list we have below will have foods, fluids, plants, and anything edible – all of these we will be referring to as foods in this article.

We also have pages for both fruits that start with R and vegetables that start with R if that’s what you’re looking for.

With that being said, let’s get started with sharing foods beginning with R.

Foods that start with R:

foods that start with R

Following are the foods beginning with R in case you’ve had no idea and wanted to educate yourself more on foods and edibles.

1 – Rabbit:

Rabbit is an animal with long ears and short tail.

It is eaten as a food as well.

2 – Rack:

Rack is the rib part of the forequarter of pork, or veal, or beef, or mutton.

3 – Radicchio:

Radicchio is one of many varieties of chicory that has globose heads of red leaves.

4 – Radish:

Radish is a cruciferous plant that has a pungent edible root.

This is one of many foods beginning with R.

5 – Ragout:

Ragout is a term used for the stew that is well-seasoned, of meats and vegetables.

6 – Raisin:

Raisin is a dried grape that is very sweet and very popular.

7 – Raita:

Raita is an Indian and Pakistani side dish of yogurt that has spices and chopped cucumbers in it.

8 – Rambutan:

Rambutan is a fruit of Malayan tree with red color.

9 – Ramekin:

Ramekin is a cheese dish made with breadcrumbs and eggs.

10 – Rarebit:

Rarebit is a cheese that is melted with beer or ale, served over toast.

11 – Raspberry:

Raspberries are edible aggregate berries that are either black or red in color.

They are usually smaller than blackberries.

12 – Ratafee:

Ratafee is a sweet liquor made from brandy or wine with peach (or plum or apricots) and almonds.

13 – Ratafia:

Ratafia is a macaroon that is flavored with ratafee liquor.

14 – Ratatouille:

Ratatouille is a stew of vegetables that usually contains zucchini, tomatoes, onion, eggplant, peppers, and seasoning.

15 – Ravioli:

Ravioli are small square shaped (or circular shaped) cases of dough with savory fillings.

16 – Red Cabbage:

Red cabbage is a cabbage plant that has the head with reddish purple leaves.

17 – Red Currant:

Red currant are small berries that are used in jams and jellies.

18 – Redfish:

Redfish is a large, edible fish that is found near United States.

19 – Relish:

Relish is a spicy or savory condiment.

20 – Retsina:

Retsina is a Greek wine that is flavored with resin.

This is another one of many foods that start with R.

21 – Rueben:

Rueben is a hot sandwich that has Swiss cheese, corned beef, and sauerkraut on rye bread.

22 – Rhenish:

Rhenish is a variety of white wines from Germany.

23 – Rhubarb:

Rhubarb are sour, long pinkish leafstalks that are usually eaten cooked.

24 – Rib:

Rib is the cut of meat including one or more ribs.

25 – Ribier:

Ribier is a purple grape of California.

26 – Rice:

Rice is a grain used as a food.

This is the most popular food that starts with R.

27 – Rickey:

Rickey is a fluid made from sweetened lime juice and soda water with liquor.

28 – Ricotta:

Ricotta is an Italian cheese that is very soft, like cottage cheese.

29 – Riesling:

Riesling is a wine from the Rhine valley.

30 – Rigatoni:

Rigatoni is a pasta with short, ribbed pieces.

31 – Rijsttaffel:

Rijsttaffel is a dish from Indonesia that has wide variety of foods and sauces in it, served with rice.

32 – Rioja:

Rioja is a wine from Rioja region of Spain.

33 – Risotto:

Risotto is a rice that is cooked with broth, sprinkled with grated cheese.

34 – Rissole:

Rissole is a minced cooked fish or meat that is coated in an egg and breadcrumbs, and then fried in deep fat.

35 – Roast:

Roast is a piece of meat that is roasted.

36 – Rockfish:

Rockfish is a fish with dark longitudinal stripes.

37 – Roe:

Roe are eggs of female fish.

38 – Roll:

Roll is a rounded, small bread.

39 – Rollmops:

Rollmops are pickled herring fillet wrapped or rolled around pickle.

40 – Romaine Lettuce:

Romaine lettuce is a lettuce with long, dark green leaves in elongated head.

41 – Roquefort:

Roquefort is a French blue cheese.

42 – Rose:

Rose is an edible shrub of the genus Rosa.

43 – Rose Apple:

Rose apple is an oval, yellowish tropical food used in jellies.

44 – Rosefish:

Rosefish is a large fish that is found in northern Atlantic coast of America.

45 – Rosemary:

Rosemary are pungent leaves used for seasoning – especially for meats.

46 – Roughage:

Roughage is an indigestible plant food that is low in nutrients.

47 – Roulade:

Roulade is a dish that consists of slice of meat rolled around a filling.

48 – Roux:

Roux is a mixture of flour and fat used as a basis for sauces.

49 – Rye:

Rye is grass that is used in foods like black bread.

50 – Rue              :

Rue are leaves that are used for flavoring fruits.

51 – Rugelach:

Rugelach is a pastry that is made of cream cheese dough and different other fillings.

52 – Rum:

Rum is a liquor that is distilled from fermented molasses.

53 – Runner Bean:

Runner beans are long bean pods that are sliced up to half an inch.

54 – Rusk:

Rusk is a slice of bread that is baked until it is hard and brown in color, leaving the bread crispy.

55 – Rutabaga:

Rutabaga is a yellow root of rutabaga plant, used as a food.

56 – Red Beets:

Red beet, also known as beetroot, is the taproot portion of the beet plant.

This is all there is, until now, about foods that start with R.

Do you know any other that we missed in the list? Comment below and we’ll add it.

Also, it is hard to list them all because of language and country barriers – there sure are 100s of foods that start with R but no one on the planet earth knows them all.

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The information contained within this article and overall site is merely for informational purposes and is based on historical facts. Please always consult with your dietitian before creating a diet plan for yourself.

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