If you are wondering what are some of the vegetables that start with N – that might be for your next school assignment or you just have this drive to learn about all the vegetables there are because you love foods – here are all of the vegetables starting with N.
If you ever change your mind to explore more of foods, not just vegetables, we also have a page that covers all the foods that start with N as well.
With that being said, let’s get started with sharing vegetables beginning with N without wasting any of our time.
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Vegetables That Start With N:
So far, we found 4 vegetables of letter N.
1 – Napa Cabbage:
Napa cabbage is a Chinese cabbage that is used in East Asian cuisine.
Its scientific name is Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis.
2 – New Zealand Spinach:
New Zealand spinach is another vegetable that starts with N.
It is an edible vegetable found in the fig-marigold family.
3 – Nopal:
Nopal is a common name in Spanish for prickly pear.
The pod of the nopal is a vegetable.
4 – Nori:
Nori is a sea vegetable popular in Japan.
It has a very strong flavor.
This is all there is about vegetables of letter N.
Do you think we missed something? Feel free to add the missing vegetables in the comments’ section below and we’ll add it to this page.