List of Vegetables That Start with S

Property of: Whateatly
vegetables that start with s
There are 25 vegetables that start with S if you had no clue. Here they are so you don't have to search for them anymore.

If you are wondering what are some of the vegetables that start with S – that might be for your next school assignment or you just have this drive to learn about all the vegetables there are because you love foods – here are all of the vegetables starting with S.

If you ever change your mind to explore more of foods, not just vegetables, we also have a page that covers all the foods that start with S as well.

With that being said, let’s get started with sharing vegetables beginning with S without wasting any of our time.

Vegetables That Start With S:


So far, we found 25 vegetables of letter S.

1 – Salad Savoy:

Salad savoy is a member of cabbage family.

It is often used as an alternative to green and red cabbage.

2 – Salsify:

Salsify is a root vegetable found in Europe and the United States.

It is pronounced as “SAL-se-fee”.

3 – Samphire:

Samphire is a vegetable grown in the sea.

The vegetable is crispy and tastes like sea water.

4 – Scorzonera:

Scorzonera is a vegetable that is a member of the genus Scorzonera in the sunflower family.

Its scientific name is Scorzonera hispanica.

5 – Sculpit:

Sculpit is a vegetable found in Italy that’s still unknown to most Italians.

Its leaves are quick-growing and thin.

6 – Sea Beet:

Sea beet is a vegetable that is a member of the family Amaranthaceae.

Its scientific name is Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima.

7 – Sea Grape:

Sea grape is another vegetable that starts with S.

It is a species of flowering plant in the buckwheat family, Polygonaceae.

8 – Sea Kale:

Sea kale is a species of halophytic flowering plant in the genus Crambe.

Its scientific name is Crambe maritima.

9 – Sea Lettuce:

Sea lettuce is a vegetable from the group of edible green algae.

Its scientific name is Ulva.

10 – Shallot:

Shallot is one of many types of onion.

Its scientific name is Allium cepa var. aggregatum.

11 – Sierra Leone Bologi:

Sierra leone bologi is a shade tolerant perennial vine

Its scientific name is Crassocephalum biafrae.

12 – Skirret:

Skirret is a root vegetable found in the family Apiaceae.

Its scientific name is Sium sisarum.

13 – Snap Pea:

Snap pea is a cultivar group of edible-podded peas.

Its pods are usually round.

14 – Snow Pea:

A snow pea is one of many varieties of pea.

Its scientific name is Pisum sativum var. saccharatum.

15 – Soko:

Soko is a popularly known as lagos spinach.

Botanically, it is called Celosia argentea.

16 – Sorrel:

Sorrel is a perennial herb in the family Polygonaceae.

Its scientific name is Rumex acetosa.

17 – Sour Cabbage:

Sour cabbage is a vegetable popular in Croatian, Romanian, Serbian, Bosnian, and Bulgarian cuisines.

It’s basically a cabbage with salt in it.

18 – Soybean:

Soybean is a species of legume native to East Asia.

Its scientific name is Glycine max.

19 – Spinach:

Spinach is another vegetable that starts with S.

It is a green leafy vegetable that is also known as a superfood.

20 – Spring Onion:

Spring onion has a milder taste than most onions.

It is also known as Scallion.

21 – Scallion:

Scallion is one of many types of onions.

It has a milder taste than most onions.

22 – Squash Blossoms:

Squash blossoms are edible flowers of species called Cucurbita.

Zucchini is also a member of the same species.

23 – Summer Squash:

Summer squash is a type of squash that is harvested when immature.

At that time, the rind is still edible.

24 – Swede:

Swede is another root vegetable that starts with S.

It is a cross between the cabbage and the turnip.

25 – Sweet Potato:

Sweet potato is a root vegetable that is both sweeter and bigger than usual potatoes.

They also have a thin brown skin like that of common potatoes.

This is all there is about vegetables of letter S.

Do you think we missed something? Feel free to add the missing vegetables in the comments’ section below and we’ll add it to this page.

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The information contained within this article and overall site is merely for informational purposes and is based on historical facts. Please always consult with your dietitian before creating a diet plan for yourself.