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If you are wondering what are some of the vegetables that start with C – that might be for your next school assignment or you just have this drive to learn about all the vegetables there are because you love foods – here are all of the vegetables starting with C.
If you ever change your mind to explore more of foods, not just vegetables, we also have a page that covers all the foods that start with C as well.
With that being said, let’s get started with sharing vegetables beginning with C without wasting any of our time.
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Vegetables That Start With C:
So far, we found 28 vegetables of letter C.
1 – Cabbage:
Cabbage is a leafy biennial plant grown as an annual vegetable.
It is usually green in color but can also be purple or even blue.
2 – Cactus:
Cactus is a vegetable of the plant family Cactaceae.
Its scientific name is Cactaceae.
3 – Camas:
Camas is another vegetable in the asparagus family.
Its scientific name is Camassia.
4 – Canna:
Canna is a flowering plant found in the family Cannaceae.
Its scientific name is Canna.
5 – Caper:
Caper is a perennial plant known for its edible buds.
This is another vegetable that starts with C.
6 – Cardoon:
Cardoon is a thistle in the sunflower family.
It is also known as globe artichoke.
7 – Carrot:
Carrot is a root vegetable that is usually orange in color.
Its scientific name is Daucus carota subsp. sativus.
8 – Cassava:
Cassava is another root vegetable that is often found in South America.
It is a tuber crop, like potatoes and yams.
9 – Catsear:
Catsear is a perennial edible herb often found in lawns.
It is also known as Flatweed.
10 – Cauliflower:
Cauliflower is a vegetable found in the species Brassica oleracea.
Usually, only the head of this vegetable is eaten.
11 – Celeriac:
Celeria is one of many varieties of celery cultivated for its edible stem or hypocotyl, and shoots.
Its scientific name is Apium graveolens var. Rapaceum.
12 – Celery:
Celery is a plant in the family Apiaceae.
Its scientific name is Apium graveolens.
13 – Celtuce:
Celtuce is a cultivar of lettuce grown for its leaves and stems.
It is very popular in China and Taiwan.
14 – Chaya:
Chaya is a tree spinach usually found in Mexico.
Its scientific name is Cnidoscolus aconitifolius.
15 – Chayote Squash:
Chayote is an edible plant found in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae.
It is mildly sweet in taste.
16 – Cherry Tomato:
Cherry tomato is a small, cherry-shaped tomato that looks like a cherry, in size.
Its scientific name is Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme.
17 – Chick Pea:
Chick pea is an annual legume of the family Fabaceae.
This is another vegetable that starts with C.
18 – Chickweed:
Chickweed is an annual flowering plant that is found in the carnation family Caryophyllaceae.
It is native to Europe.
19 – Chicory:
Chicory is a perennial herbaceous plant that is found in the dandelion family Asteraceae.
Its scientific name is Cichorium intybus.
20 – Chives:
Chives are an edible species of the genus Allium.
Their scientific name is Allium schoenoprasum.
21 – Chrysanthemum:
Chrysanthemum is a flowering plant found in the genus Chrysanthemum.
Its scientific name is Chrysanthemum.
22 – Collard Greens:
Collard greens are loose-leaved cultivars of Brassica oleracea.
They are from the same species are cabbage.
23 – Common Beans:
Common bean is a herbaceous annual plant grown for its edible seeds.
Its scientific name is Phaseolus vulgaris.
24 – Crookneck Squash:
Crookneck squash is a cultivar of Cucurbita pepo.
It is often found in Eastern North America.
25 – Common Purslane:
Common purslane is an annual succulent that is found in the family Portulacaceae.
Its scientific name is Portulaca oleracea.
26 – Courgette Flowers:
Courgette flowers are edible flowers of zucchini bush or courgette.
Its recipes are most commonly seen in Italy.
27 – Cress:
Cress is a fast-growing, edible herb.
It is genetically related to mustard.
28 – Cucumbers:
Cucumber is another vegetable found in the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae.
It is mostly eaten as a salad.
This is all there is about vegetables of letter C.
Do you think we missed something? Feel free to add the missing vegetables in the comments’ section below and we’ll add them to this page.