Trying to find whether apple cider vinegar for hair loss is actually a thing or not is easier than ever before – thanks to the abundance of information that we have on the internet.
That said, let’s get into exploring whether or not apple cider vinegar can help fix hair loss.
For that, it is necessary that we understand what apple cider vinegar is made of – or more precisely, how apple cider vinegar is made.
The fermented apple juice apple cider vinegar is made by crushing apples then squeezing out the juice.
Through the alcoholic fermentation process, bacteria and yeast are added to it to convert the sugars into alcohol.
In a second fermentation process, the acetic acid is added to convert alcohol into vinegar. In this process, the bacteria (Acetobacter species) are formed.
The vinegar has its sour taste due to its combination of acetic acid and malic acid.
Containing 94% water with 1% carbohydrates and no protein and fat, the apple cider vinegar provides 22 calories with the negligible amount of micronutrients.
Now that we know how the ACV formula is made and what it consists of, let’s learn more about the hair on our head.
This will make things easier to understand.
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The hair on our heads:
How the hair on your head come into being?
Ever put your thought to this question? Let me clear your thoughts.
The hair basically consists of two parts, follicle, a tunnel-like segment located inside the skin, and a shaft, the visible outgrowth outside the skin.
Just below the surface of the skin are present sebaceous glands, which through the hair follicle secretes the sebum.
This oil lubricates the hair and skin and is a slightly acidic film that protects and maintains the overall health of the hair and skin.
The acid mantle helps the cuticle scales to lie flat which results in shiny, smooth hair and protects from moisture and loss.
Unfortunately, this natural and god gifted system is easily disturbed by applying different hair products and shampoos which is the primary cause of the ever-increasing bad hair day in people around.
That is because the acid mantle is slightly acidic, having a PH level of around 5, whereas the hair products are more alkaline, having a PH above 7 in most cases.
This can dissolve or contaminate the acidic effects or remove the acid mantle.
When the acid mantle dissolves or it becomes alkaline, the hair swells up and the scales on the cuticle open, leaving it to breakage.
Therefore, for the attainment of strong, shiny and healthy hair, the maintenance of the acid mantle is crucial.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair Loss?
When it comes to thinning hair or hair loss, apple cider vinegar is a wonderful remedy that can help you grow your hair healthily.
It is usually normal to lose about 100 strands of hair every day and even more if we shampoo but if this concern is growing fast and the natural growth cycle is for some reason flustered, ACV will help you to keep your scalp protected by shedding off bacteria and keeping a balanced PH level.
ACV helps restore the shine and smooths down the hair shaft’s cuticle, leading to shiny, smooth hair without roughness.
Bacillus, a germ responsible for many hair and scalp problems, is wiped out by the prominent use of ACV and the conditions often like itching scalp, thinning hair and the dandruff is exterminated.
Apart from this, there are many arguments revolving around why apple cider vinegar is great for your hair.
Highlighted below are of the few of them:
Apple cider vinegar besides having some health properties is acidic in nature containing a good amount of acetic acid.
You might have wondered what’s the point of discussing PH, so here let me tell you out with this brief approach. The dull, brittle, frizzy look of your strands denotes the more alkaline level or higher PH scale. The idea is that with appropriate use of acid like ACV we can more likely bring back down the level of PH restoring the hair health back to the normal position.
Anti-microbial and anti-fungal
As a common home disinfectant, ACV can help control the bacterial and fungal growth that can cause to hair and scalp problems such as minor infections or itchiness.
Other assertions
Apple cider vinegar is said to be rich in vitamins like vitamin B and C and other minerals helpful for hair.
Some also claim that it contains alpha-hydroxy acid that helps exfoliates the scalp skin and can help in removing dandruff as is it anti-inflammatory.
This should help you have a clearer image of what to expect from apple cider vinegar for hair loss.
But that isn’t all there is that you need to know; you need to understand how to effectively use the ACV as well, to get most out of it.
How to use ACV?
In order to effectively use the apple cider vinegar to fix hair loss problems, follow these steps:
- Mix a couple of tablespoons of acid cider vinegar in water and wait for a while – say 5 minutes.
- After applying the shampoo and conditioner on your hair, pour the mixture of acid cider vinegar evenly on your hair working onto your scalp.
- Leave it undisturbed for a couple of minutes – 5 to 10.
- Rinse it out.
You can also try adding a few drops of essential oil into the mixture if the acidic smell is too powerful for you. The smell would go away with this technique.
Juliene Featherman, the hairstylist and the owner of juju salon and organics in Philadelphia, recommends the following DIY apple cider vinegar tonic to customers:
- Apple cider vinegar (1 cup)
- Warm water (2 cups)
- In an empty shampoo bottle, mix acid cider vinegar and warm water.
- Shake it for a moment.
- Apply the tonic throughout your hair from roots to the ends, making sure nothing is left dried.
- Leave your hair with the tonic applied for a few minutes.
- Now rinse thoroughly and condition.
If you ever wondered and asked yourself “what can I mix with apple cider vinegar for my hair?”, – I believe now you have your answer.
Things to be taking care of:
The use of apple cider vinegar is all about bringing the hair into its normal position with healthy-looking strands.
If your scalp or hair issues worsen instead of improving, discontinue ACV usage or try lowering the amount or the frequency of ACV you use.
The acetic acid in the ACV may irritate or burn the skin for it is caustic naturally.
Always make sure the ACV is not contacting your eyes. If that happens for any reason, wash your eyes with water as soon as possible.
Conclusion: Is apple cider vinegar good for hair loss?
What do you say now?
Is apple cider vinegar good for hair loss?
The most probable answer is “Yes”.
Many experts find ACV naturally good for weight loss and clearing skin but it also seems that it is great for many types of hair issues and problems, may it be scalp itchiness or the split ends.
Miraculously, it is an affordable hack to give you shiny hair with a healthy look.
It’s a wonderful remedy available to you to help you ward off the hair problems like thinning or hair loss.
Everyday rinsing with ACV may be drying but it is best if you restrict the use to two times per week.
It helps to ward off the dead skin cells and thickening the hair.
In addition to that, if you ever have an itchy scalp or the dandruff problem, it will help you to fight with that too.
As stated before, apple cider vinegar does wonders in the build-up of your hair.
A big part of it is, no doubt, its acidic nature.
Precautionary concerns
Apple cider vinegar may be unsafe for use by children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Small quantities of apple cider vinegar in the oral form are considered safe while its ingestion in the tablet form possesses a risk of injury to the soft mouth tissues, throat, kidney or stomach.
In its contact with eyes, corneal injury is most likely to occur other than redness and irritation which are common. Therefore, using it as an ear cleaning solution or eyewash is dangerous.
It may damage the teeth by damaging the tooth enamel due to its acidity. However, small amounts of it can be used in food flavoring techniques.
If used as a homemade cleaning agent it should not be mixed with the chlorine bleach, the combination of which may exasperate the airways, eyes, nose, and throat.
People who are allergic to apples may experience adverse reactions to apple cider vinegar.
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