3 Letter Foods – List of Foods That Have 3 Letters [Updated 2025]

Property of: Whateatly
3 letter foods
If you are looking for 3 letter foods, this is the place to be. This list has all the foods that have 3 letters at max.

If you are looking for 3 letter foods, this is the place to be.

The fact that there are hundreds or even thousands of foods worldwide makes it harder for one to recall them all and then find from them foods that only have 3 letters at max.

This is why we went out there, gathered all the foods that exist worldwide, and created for you this list of foods with 3 letters at max so you don’t have to do it all over again.

With that being said, let’s get started with the list of 3 letter foods.

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List of 3 Letter Foods:

Following are all the foods that have 3 letters.

  1. ate
  2. cod
  3. dip
  4. dry
  5. eat
  6. egg
  7. fat
  8. fed
  9. fig
  10. fry
  11. ham
  12. hot
  13. ice
  14. jam
  15. jug
  16. lox
  17. mug
  18. nut
  19. oil
  20. pan
  21. pea
  22. pie
  23. pop
  24. pot
  25. rye
  26. soy
  27. tea
  28. wok
  29. yam

Do you think we missed any food with 3 letters?

Please let us know using the comments below.

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The information contained within this article and overall site is merely for informational purposes and is based on historical facts. Please always consult with your dietitian before creating a diet plan for yourself.

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