A Complete List of All the Yellow Foods That Exist [Updated 2025]

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yellow foods
If you are looking for a list of yellow foods that exist throughout the world, we've done the job of researching for you.

If you are looking for a list of yellow foods that exist throughout the world, we’ve done the job of researching for you.

This article will list all of the foods that are yellow in color.

However, before we start, let’s look into what yellow foods have to offer to us.

Yellow fruits and vegetables benefit your health in many ways.

They are rich in carotenoids that give these foods bright colors.

They also contain beneficial vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants.

They have the power to stimulate our immune system and have a skin cleansing ability.

They have bioflavonoids as well that keep the diseases away.

They can also boost hair health, dental health, and bone health.

There are a lot of benefits of yellow foods, but it’s better to look into what each of the foods offers instead of looking at them as a whole.

27 Yellow Foods and What They Offer:

Listed below are all of the yellow foods that exist throughout the world.

1. Bananas:

Banana is one of many yellow color foods.

It is an edible berry and easy to eat fruit.

The fruit may be variable in size with elongated and curved soft flesh inside.

They grow in clusters and are seedless fruit species.

They have a starchy sweet taste and both the skin and inner part can be eaten- raw or cooked.

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits worldwide and have immense nutritional benefits.

They can lower the blood pressure and prevent cancer.

Bananas contains potassium, vitamin C, folate and fiber – all of which benefit the heart.

They lower the risk of diabetes and encourage the good digestion.

2. Pineapples:

Pineapple is an edible fruit that is native to South America and is the third most important tropical fruit in the world.

The flesh and juice of the pineapple is sold worldwide in the cuisines.

It is sold whole or half with the sticks inside.

They are used in desserts or salads, pizza toppings or grilled.

These sweet, juicy tropical fruits are rich in vitamins, enzymes, and anti-oxidants.

They contain high amounts of vitamin A, C and manganese.

Also, they are low in starch and high in dietary fiber.

3. Lemons:

This ellipsoidal yellow fruit is native to South Asia, primarily northeastern India.

Lemon is used for culinary and non-culinary purposes throughout the world particularly for its juice.

However, the pulp as well as rind is also useful in cooking and baking.

The distinct sour taste of the juice makes it a key ingredient for foods and drinks.

It is 5-6% citric acid which gives it a sour taste with a PH of around 2.2.

They are used to make a lemonade, marmalade, lemon curd and lemon liqueur.

Lemons contain huge amount of vitamin C and soluble fiber which aid in weight loss and reduce the risk of heart diseases, anemia, kidney stones, digestive problems and cancer.

4. Potatoes:

These starchy tubers are the good food source and the key ingredients of many dishes of the different regions throughout the world.

There are about 5000 known varieties of potatoes worldwide.

They are rarely eaten raw because the starch in raw potato is poorly digested by humans.

They are the rich sources of potassium, vitamin C and fiber, reducing your risk of systolic blood pressure and stroke.

Also, they have high glycemic index and carbohydrates but low in protein.

5. Cheese:

Cheese is another yellow food on this list.

It is a dairy product produced by the coagulation of milk protein – casein.

It is produced in a wide variety of forms, texture and flavors.

Over thousands different types of cheese are known throughout the world with the variation in their flavors, textures, pasteurization process, bacteria, molds, processing and aging.

Cheese is a good source of calcium and vitamin D.

They are also good in fiber, calories, sodium and saturated fat.

6. Honey:

Honey is a sweet, viscous fluid produced by bees and some other insects.

Bees store honey in a structure called honeycomb.

It gets its sweetness from monosaccharides glucose and fructose and is used as a sweetener in a variety of products.

Honey can lower the cholesterol.

It does not affect a diabetic person and helps prevent blood pressure as well.

It is rich in anti-oxidants too.

7. Cheese puffs:

Cheese puffs, cheese balls, cheese curls or corn curls are the corn snacks coated with the cheese or cheese-flavored powder.

They may be ball-shaped, curly, straight or irregular shaped puffs.

These puffs were invented in the United States by two independent companies in 1930s.

After oven-dried or fried, they are tumbled with the desired flavor and then later fried in anther drying oven.

They are low in calories and contain small amounts of sodium, potassium, fats and carbs.

8. Yellow pepper:

The yellow bell pepper is a sweet, less pungent variety of peppers.

They are botanically fruits referred to as berries but are used as a vegetable ingredient or a side dish.

Preferred conditions for growing bell peppers include warm, moist conditions.

They are commonly used in salads or as toppings on pizza or cheesesteaks.

They may be used in spices or flavors.

China is the largest producer of bell peppers followed by Mexico and Turkey.

They are low in calories and are packed with vitamin A, C, potassium, fiber, folate, and iron.

9. Corn:

Corn, also known as maize, is a cereal grain which has become a staple food in many parts of the world.

They can be consumed directly by humans while most of the corn is used in corn ethanol, animal feed, corn syrup, corn starch and other corn products.

It is the most widely grown crop throughout America.

Today, many types of corn are known such as popcorn, dent corn, flour corn, flint corn, waxy corn, pod corn etc.

Corn is a rich source of vitamin B12, folic acid, and iron.

They are a miracle for underweight people.

They lower the risk of anemia, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

They are energy enhancers as well.

10. Egg yolk:

The core, yellow and nutrient bearing portion of an egg is called yolk.

It provides nutrients for the development of an embryo.

It is rich in vitamins, minerals, lipids, and proteins.

It is spherical in shape and suspended in egg’s white.

Yolk is sometimes separated from the egg white and is used in the making certain food products such as mayonnaise, custard, hollandaise sauce etc.

Egg yolk contains vitamins A, D, E and K and saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

11. Cornbread:

Cornbread is also one of many yellow foods on this list.

It is a popular meal and enjoyed by many people for its aroma and taste.

Cornbread can be baked, fried or steamed.

It can also be baked into corn cakes.

It is a perfect side dish and is native to America.

It can be served with a variety of foods such as milk butter, cheese and in breakfast.

It is low in calories and contains vitamin B6 and B12.

It also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, folic acid, and folates.

12. Butter:

Butter is a dairy product made from milk or cream and is a semi-solid emulsion at room temperature.

It can be spread, melted and can be used as an ingredient in baking, sauce making, pan-frying and other cooking.

Salt and food colorings are also sometimes added to it.

In the United States, they are usually sold in block form wrapped in a paper or foiled.

Butter is hard, firm when refrigerated but usually softens at the room temperature and eventually melts, turning into ghee.

Butter is high in calories and has all the important variety of nutrients of milk such as vitamin A, calcium, lactose, and saturated fatty acids.

13. Star fruit:

Star fruit or carambola is native to tropical Southeast Asia.

The fruit has ridges running down its sides and when cut in half it gives a star shape thus named star fruit.

The whole fruit is edible and can be eaten cooked or raw.

It can be used in preserves, relishes, garnishes or juices.

It is a firm and juicy fruit and eaten shortly after ripening.

It is a low-calorie fruit with vitamins A, B and C.

It also has minerals such as zinc, phosphorus, iron, sodium and magnesium.

14. Asian pear:

This edible fruit is known by many names such as Asian pear, Japanese pear, Chinese pear, Korean pear, Taiwanese pear, apple pear or zodiac pear because of its wide tradition of growing in East Asia.

It is generally eaten as raw and peeled because of its crispy, juicy texture and is quite large and fragrant.

It looks like an apple but is not healthier than apples.

It is low in calories and contains fiber, potassium, vitamin K, vitamin C, and copper.

15. Mango:

Mango is another food that is yellow in color.

This stony, juicy fruit is native to South Asia from where it is distributed to the other countries.

Mangoes vary in color, shape, taste, and size.

It is the national fruit of Pakistan and India and unofficial national fruit of the Philippines.

They have generally sweet, pulpy, juicy, and soft flesh and vary according to the cultivars.

They can be used as raw while unripe mangoes are used in chutneys, sauces, side dishes or pickles.

Mangoes are considered as the king of fruits by many people.

Mangoes have many health benefits.

They aid in digestion, boost immunity, promote healthy gout, improve eye health, lower cholesterol, clean the skin, and help in diabetes.

16. Straightneck squash:

Straightneck or yellow squash has a mildly sweet and watery flesh.

It has thin skin and can be used in a variety of recipes.

It can be cooked, fried, microwaved, steamed, boiled or baked.

It is a good source of vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, iron phosphorus, dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, magnesium, potassium, manganese and copper.

It is also low in cholesterol, sodium, and fats.

17. Turmeric:

Turmeric is a flowering plant of the ginger family.

The rhizomes of the plant are boiled in water and dried after which they are ground into deep yellow powder.

The powder is called turmeric powder and is used as a flavoring and coloring agent in many cuisines and curries.

The powder has a warm, bitter, black pepper-like flavor and earthy, mustard-like aroma.

They have also been long used in ayurvedic medicines but no clinical evidence has yet been proven.

Turmeric has many scientifically proven health benefits such as preventing heart diseases, cancer, and Alzheimer.

It is anti-inflammatory and has antioxidants that treat depression and arthritis.

18. Jackfruit:

Jackfruit is a specie of the fig or mulberry family.

The fig tree bears the largest fruit of all which can be as much as 50kg in weight.

The ripe jackfruit is sweet and is often used in desserts.

It is the national fruit of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

It can be sold in canned food items and can be used in syrups as well.

They are also available in chips and noodles.

It can also be used in a variety of dishes and as breakfast.

It has a sweet and fruity aroma.

The ripe, unopened jackfruit emits a strong aroma like that of pineapple or banana.

It supplies ample amount of vitamin A and C and is low in calories.

19. Chanterelles:

Chanterelles is the common name of the several species of the fungi and among the most edible of the wild mushrooms.

They have a yellow, meaty, funnel-shaped texture.

They emit a fruity aroma like apricots and have a mildly peppery taste.

They are common in Eurasia, north and central America and Africa.

There are many ways to cook them in butter, cream, sauces, soups, sautés and wine.

They are full of vitamins and minerals.

They contain vitamin D and B, zinc, and copper.

In addition, they boost the nervous system.

20. Turkish delight:

Turkish delight is a family of confections based on a gel of a starch and sugar.

Their varieties contain chopped ingredients such as dates, pistachios, hazelnuts, and walnuts, and are often flavored with rosewater, mastic, bergamot, orange or lemon.

It is often packed and eaten in small cubes.

They are known to have been produced in turkey and hence named Turkish delight.

They are produced by mixing starch, sugar, food coloring, citric acid, and flavor.

They prevent tonsillitis and help in the healing of wounds.

They are helpful in making bones and teeth strong.

21. Quinoa:

Quinoa plant is grown as a crop primarily for its seeds.

Its seeds are edible and rich in dietary fiber, protein, vitamin B, and dietary minerals in greater amounts than many grains.

Its cultivation has spread to more than 70 countries and due to its increasing consumption, its price has tripled from 2006.

Quinoa seems like a diet food but it generally contains more calories than rice and pasta.

Eating a cup of it daily can prevent premature death, cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes.

22. Mac and cheese:

Mac and cheese or macaroni and cheese is an English origin food consisting of cooked macaroni pasta and a cheese sauce.

It can also incorporate breadcrumbs, vegetables or meat.

They can be prepared in the oven or over a pan on top of the stove.

This is a very quick, cheap and easily made dish.

You will require macaroni, butter, flour, salt, ground black pepper, milk, and a cheddar cheese as your ingredients.

It is one of the good sources of copper, manganese, selenium, and protein.

23. Polenta:

Polenta is also a yellow-colored food.

Polenta is a dish of boiled cornmeal that can be served as hot porridge or can be allowed to cool and solidify into a loaf that can be baked, fried or grilled.

Rough, coarse grinds make a firm, coarse polenta and finer grinds make a soft creamy polenta.

Polenta is gluten-free and contains both fiber and protein.

It is low both in calories and fat and contains vitamin A as well.

24. Mango ice cream:

This creamy, sweet, delicious ice cream is made without the effort of machine.

You can make this at your home.

All you will need are the mangoes, condensed milk, and cream.

This is an opportunity for all those who wanted to make ice cream without an ice cream maker.

This ice cream is scoopable just like other ice creams.

It is a good source of vitamin A, calcium, proteins and carbohydrates.

25. Yellow pumpkins:

Yellow mellow pumpkins are large and have a prominent, uniform, round shape.

The rind is yellow and smooth and underneath the rind is a dense, firm, crisp flesh with the cream-colored seeds.

They are often eaten as cooked and have a mild, earthy and slightly sweet flavor.

They are favored for their size, shape, and color, and are primarily used in an ornamental decoration.

They are a good source of vitamins A, K, C, and E.

They are also a good source of fiber, potassium, folate, and iron.

26. Golden beets:

Golden beets are relatives of red beets, a root vegetable that helps with many health-related problems.

Golden beets, however, are sweeter than the red ones.

They help control the cholesterol level as well as support heart health.

27. Yellow beans:

Yellow beans are legumes that contain many beneficial nutrients.

They control cholesterol levels as well as fight cancer.

These are all the yellow foods we could find for you.

Is there any other yellow food that we missed on this list?

Please let us know using the comments section below.

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The information contained within this article and overall site is merely for informational purposes and is based on historical facts. Please always consult with your dietitian before creating a diet plan for yourself.

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