21 Purple Foods You Didn’t Know Existed

Property of: Whateatly
purple foods
Purple foods are easily found, and we're sure you've seen some of them already. But we have a list of them all.

Purple foods are easily found, and we’re sure you’ve seen some of them already.

This article, however, has a lot of purple foods. Some of which you might not even know about.

Before starting, it is important that we share why and how foods that are purple are healthier.

Filling your plates with the smartest and the healthiest food is a desire of a lot of people.

Purple foods contain abundant health benefits.

They have antioxidants compounds that make the food purple.

They also help to fight cancer and improve your mental function.

They can reduce cognitive decline in adults as well.

They are also linked with lower inflammation levels.

They provide us with better insulin resistance and may protect against diabetes.

They may filter the UV rays and help your skin to be protected from the dreadful effects of the sun and UV radiation.

There is a lot more to be benefited from when it comes to purple-colored foods.

List of Purple Foods to Add to your Diet:

Below is the list of purple foods that you might want to add to your plate.

1. Eggplant/brinjal:

Eggplant or aubergine or brinjal belongs to the plant family Solanaceae.

This spongy, absorbent, purple fruit is used in several cuisines.

Like a tomato, its seeds and its skin can be eaten but like a potato, it can be cooked as well.

It has wide usage in culinary arts due to its ability to absorb oils and flavors into its flesh.

It is rich in many nutrients, antioxidants, and can help reduce blood pressure as well.

It can help fight off cancer and reduce the risk of heart diseases.

2. Purple cauliflower:

The intensely stunning and visually appealing cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that gets its purple color from anthocyanins.

Purple cauliflower is available during winter season only, throughout the world.

It is a rich source of vitamin C.

It also provides a well amount of vitamin A, fiber, folate, calcium, potassium as well as selenium.

It is also known for its high levels of cancer-fighting chemicals called phytochemicals specifically known as glucosinolates.

It provides anti-inflammatory benefits and may reduce your risk of heart diseases.

3. Purple carrots:

Do they really exist? Yes, they do.

Most of us have only seen orange carrots, but the first cultivated carrots were purple.

We’re talking 17th century here.

They are sweet tasting and are loaded with polyphenol antioxidants, cinnamic acid, and chlorogenic acid.

The potential nutritional benefits also make them appealing to consumers.

They help to lower the risk of heart diseases, obesity, and diabetes.

4. Purple mangosteen:

The evergreen mangosteen tree bears edible fruits native to southern Asia.

The fruit is sweet, tangy, and juicy with the deep purple colored ring inside when ripe.

Due to the restrictions on imports, it is not readily available in certain countries.

They are shipped to Singapore to be processed for medical uses like dysentery, skin disorders, and several other minor diseases.

Its peels are traditionally used in Indonesia as a source of dye for coloring textiles.

It is packed with fiber, folate and vitamin B. It also contributes to the production of DNA and red blood cells.

5. Purple asparagus:

This is another one of many purple foods on this list.

Asparagus usually comes in green color but this vegetable also comes in other hues like purple and white.

It has a nuttier and sweet taste because it has 20% of sugar in its stalks.

It is similar in appearance and flavor to white and green varieties.

When cooked, it turns green.

It adds the visual appeal to the recipes.

It also contributes to providing the vitamins, minerals and potent plant compounds.

6. Purple cabbage:

Purple cabbage is sometimes also referred to as red cabbage due to the presence of red anthocyanins.

Purple cabbage contains the nutritional properties that increase the health benefits of this vegetable even more.

This cabbage, however, changes its leaves color according to the PH conditions of the soil.

In acidic medium, it grows more reddish.

The alkaline soil produces the greenish-yellow colored cabbages.

Purple cabbages need better humidity and fertilized soil to grow well.

Often used as raw in salads and coleslaw, the vegetable can be cooked.

It contains vitamin C, vitamin K, antioxidants, carotenoids, and flavonoid antioxidants. 

7. Elderberries:

Known for their intense purple color, elderberries are widely used for enhancing the immune function in the body.

They are being used in syrups and capsules as a remedy to treat ailments such as cold, flu, constipation and other conditions.

Raw elderberries are 80% water.

They are rich sources of vitamin C, vitamin B6, and iron.

Cooked elderberries are perfectly edible while raw elderberries can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

So be sure to cook them before you have them.

8. Purple barley:

This is another purple food you might have missed earlier.

Barley comes in a variety of colors including black, blue, yellow, and purple.

Purple barley is originated from Tibet and has a chewy texture of regular barley but with a dark purple hue.

Barley is particularly rich in many nutrients such as fiber, molybdenum, manganese, selenium, copper, vitamin B1, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, and niacin.

It is not gluten-free, however, the gluten content of this barley is small.

It is incredibly beneficial for diabetics and those with a high risk of developing diabetes.

It contains beta-glucan which may help in improved digestion, reduce heart diseases, and improve immune response.

9. Purple star apple:

Purple star apple is a round fruit that turns purple when ripe.

The fruit has an impressive star pattern when it is cut into half.

It consists of sweet flesh and secretes a milky juice.

The fruit can be served as dessert and is often served chilled.

The fruit has antioxidant properties as well.

Enriched with a high amount of vitamin C, it is a natural antioxidant.

It helps you lose weight and proves to be helpful for pregnant women.

It can cause constipation if eaten in excess.

Underripe fruits can help treat intestinal disorders.

Furthermore, the studies show that star-fruits can cause harmful effects for people having kidney disorders.

10. Forbidden rice:

Black rice or forbidden rice is a unique variety that takes on a deep purple color when it is cooked.

It contains one of the highest amounts of anthocyanins found in food.

It is suitable for creating different food items like desserts, porridges, traditional Chinese black rice cake, bread, and noodles.

It has unique cancer-fighting effects and inhibits cancer cell growth.

They can be used in a number of recipes such as soups, pilafs, and stir-fries.

Forbidden rice earned its name from the fact that it was once served to the Chinese emperor and forbidden for anyone else to eat.

It contains vitamin E as well, useful for maintaining eye, skin, and immune health.

11. Figs:

Native to western Asia and the middle east, common purple figs have been sought out and cultivated since ancient times and are now recognized widely throughout the world.

They commonly grow in the wild and dry places with good sunshine and deep and fresh soil.

The plant can tolerate the seasonal drought.

Middle eastern and Mediterranean climates are their preferred climates.

The fig tree is also an ornamental tree.

Most commercial items need figs to be added and processed.

They are transported in the processed form to avoid the fruit from spoilage.

They are more flavorful at room temperature and are an essential source of nutrients, phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

12. Purple potato:

Purple potato is another one of many purple foods on this list.

Purple potatoes contain as much amount of antioxidants as compared to normal or russet potatoes.

Anthocyanin is the chemical responsible for adding purple color to it.

The extra amount of antioxidants makes them more effective in regulating blood pressure.

They are also responsible for your improved heart and eye health, as well as a lower risk of chronic diseases.

They are high in fiber and vitamin C, while similar to white potatoes in carbohydrates content.

13. Acai berries:

The bluish-purple, delicious-looking acai berry is another purple-colored food on the list.

They are obtained from the palm tree species, and the tree is cultivated primarily for this purpose.

The purple-black, round drupe is similar to grapes in appearance but are smaller and with less pulp.

They contain numerous amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats range from 8g to 44g.

Its fat portion consists of palmitic acid, oleic and linoleic acid.

Packed with antioxidants, it is loaded with vitamins A, B, C, and E.

Mineral salts such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium enhance its prestige.

14. Ube:

Ube or purple yam is a species of yam, a tuber.

They are violet-purple but may sometimes be plain white.

These are the edible tubers having a mild, sweet and nutty taste reminding of the sweet potatoes.

They are widely used for Philippine cuisines and as an ingredient or flavor.

They tend to have a moist texture resembling that of a sweet potato but have generally more anthocyanin content than a sweet potato.

It is a great source of carbs, potassium, and vitamin C.

They are low in fat content as well.

15. Lavender:

Lavender is known for its exceptional help benefits and is honored in the vegetable family.

It aids in stress relief and relaxation.

It belongs to the mint family.

It is mainly grown for the extraction of the lavender oil.

The culinary lavender is most commonly used in cooking.

As an aromatic substance, it provides a sweet taste and fragrance of lemons or citrus notes.

It is also frequently used in pasta, salads or dressing as a spice or condiment.

Their buds and leaves are used in teas and by honey bees for making honey.

16. Purple plums:

Purple plums should always be on your list when it comes to purple foods.

The delicious, humble fruit is most popular in the united states.

They come in almost the size of a large walnut and are deliciously soft and tart when tasted.

Besides eating it as raw, the plums can be used in a variety of other ways.

They are commonly found in baked goods such as pies, cakes, jellies, tarts, and chutneys.

They are low in calories, cholesterol, fats, and sodium, while an excellent source of vitamin A, C, calcium, fiber, iron, magnesium, and potassium.

17. Purple corn:

Purple corn has been cultivated in Peru for thousands of years now.

The massive amounts of anthocyanins found in purple corn are responsible for its deep purple color.

It contains antioxidants and helps you prevent diabetes and obesity as well.

It has an anti-inflammatory response to certain diseases marked with inflammation.

It can lower blood pressure and improve your heart function.

It is enriched with fiber and helps prevent constipation as well.

Its taste is not at all like that of the normal corn but it is unique and appetizing.

18. Beetroot:

Beetroot is the portion of the beet plant usually known in North America as a beet or table beet.

It has several uses as a medicinal plant.

They are used as a treatment for the variety of illnesses relating to digestion and blood.

Usually eaten as raw, boiled, roasted, or with salad, a large portion of it is also used in pickles.

They have a texture and taste similar to spinach.

They are a rich source of folate with manganese.

The vast number of benefits that they provide include lowering blood pressure and improving your stamina.

They also help improve muscle power for heart health.

They may prevent cancer as well.

19. Redbor kale:

A variety of brassica oleracea is prized for its vibrant purple and magenta colored leaves.

It is available in late winter and early spring.

It is edible and highly nutritious as other leafy green vegetables.

It is an excellent source vitamin A, C, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber.

It, however, loses its color when cooked.

It is rich in phytochemicals that are required to fight cancer.

It is often used as a decorative plant to add beautiful visuals to the decorators and gardens.

20. Passion fruit:

Passion fruit is another food on that list that is purple in color.

The commonly known sweet, seedy fruit is the species of the passionflower.

The fruit is round or oval, yellow or dark purple with a juicy interior, that is soft and firm.

The fruit is eaten raw usually but can also be added to juices to enhance the aroma.

It can be used in desserts, salads or as toppings.

It is rich in vitamin C, beta-cryptoxanthin, and alpha-carotene that boost your immunity.

It has iron that increases the hemoglobin content of red blood cells.

It also has riboflavin and niacin that helps in regulating the thyroid activity.

It is also beneficial for skin health and helps promote skin moisture.

21. Red Dragon Fruit:

This is the last purple food on this list.

It has reddish-purple flesh that comes with edible seeds.

Its taste is mildly sweet and has a texture like that of kiwi.

It is packed with magnesium, fiber, and vitamin C.

It is also low in calories.

This is all there is that we could find for purple-colored foods.

Did we miss any?

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The information contained within this article and overall site is merely for informational purposes and is based on historical facts. Please always consult with your dietitian before creating a diet plan for yourself.

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