This tool of ours, BMR Calculator for Weigt Gain not only helps you know your BMR number but also provides you with what you need to gain weight by up to sixty percent (calories needed to gain weight) - all for FREE.

All you'll ever need to do is fill the fields below and hit 'CALCULATE' and we'll provide you with your BMR number and calories required per day to gain weight - simple as that.

Gender: Male Female
Weight: (kg)
Height: (cm)
Age: (y)
Activity: No Activity
Less Activity
Moderate Activity
Good Activity
Gender: Male Female
Weight: (pounds)
Height: (f) (in)
Age: (y)
Activity: No Activity
Less Activity
Moderate Activity
Good Activity

Your BMR is .

If you want to neither lose nor gain any weight, you should be eating calories per day.

If you want to gain weight by twenty percent, you should be eating calories per day.

If you want to gain weight by forty percent, you should be eating calories per day.

If you want to gain weight by sixty percent, you should be eating calories per day.


It is recommended that you correctly fill the required fields or the BMR generated for you will be incorrect.

If the fields weren’t necessary, we wouldn’t ask you to fill them.

If you are confused about the Activity section in our BMR Calculator for Weight Gain, this is how it works:

No Activity – if you are not active, you should check this radio button.

Less Activity – if you exercise sometimes (once or twice a week), check this radio button.

Moderate Activity – if you exercise often and are active, check this radio button.

Good Activity – if you exercise daily and are active, check this radio button.

Activity levels in our BMR Calculator for Weight Gain are important because they make the required calories differ from person to person.

We have separate tools related to Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) for different purposes as well like BMR Calculator for Women, BMR Calculator for Weight Loss, BMR Calculator for Men, and BMR Calculator.